How to Design a Brand Logo?

One who knows the importance of creating a logo always take care of few things which matters the most while creating that brand. One cannot simply blindfold to choose upon the logos randomly as these logos define one’s business. So, a lot of practice and groundwork is needed to be done.

This requirement has triggered the necessity of Professional logo Designers in India for designing the logos. The professionals do a lot of research before starting their work. They find an answer many curious questions regarding the company and these solutions help them think of a relevant structure and color composition for the company’s logo.

What do they see?

The logo designers generally possess questions related to many kinds such as the type of company, the products that are available there, the values or principles that the company believe, the age-group and social characteristics of the targeted customers, the competition for the similar type of products in the market etc. Also, technical factors like fonts, colors, shading texts etc. play the most major role.

So these many factors influence the mind of a designer while thinking of a logo.

 How those factors influence the Logo?

Let’s see how some of the above-mentioned factors really influence the logo:

Age Group:

The age group of the targeted consumers is one important factor. If the customer is a kid then the logo must definitely include some comic figure or some cartoon of a superhero. This creates an interest among the young kids and grabs their attention. If the customer is a teenager the designer must make sure to get his youthful brain active to make the teenager’s attention. The logo must attract the customer just like a beautiful face of a lady or a man.The older people try to relate themselves if the logo constitutes a slight touch of history.

 Products/Services Available:

The logo changes with the type of company which it is made for. A company whose products are based on food must make sure that the logo resembles their food or it is somewhere related to its taste or something. Similarly, a company with IT or professional services must take care that the elegance is maintained throughout the logo which is a major factor.

For example, E-commerce site AMAZON has an arrow mark from the first A to Z, suggesting products from A-Z i.e. everything is available here. This is simple notation how their services work and sometimes these small figures make it a statement.


When one company is new to the market and the market is already occupied by another company, then the logo of the company must be hard-hitting that it must gather all the attention. This makes the new company make out the necessity for a logo which has to beat out the existing one.

Technical Factors:

The factors like color, shade, optics etc. are really important in making a logo successful. The color patterns should vary with the requirement of the company. The colors are selected on the basis of where the poster of the logo is kept. For example, companies like footwear, watches, clothes etc have to advertise to the public in daylight. The public has to recognize the logo and that must catch the attention. So they use dark and bold colors so that they are visible from far distances.

Similarly, the color pattern changes for logos which depict the brand on the clothes. The logo must not dominate color of the fabric but it must be clear that the brand is understood clearly.

For companies who have products like paint bottles, drink bottles and other objects which have a destined shape, the logo must be fit to the shape and clearly visible. So the pattern changes here and the designer has to be creative enough to make it the best logo.

Procedure Involved:

The Logos are made by following certain procedures. The process involves many teams which majorly focus on achieving a logo which wins the market and customer satisfaction.

1.)  A detailed study regarding the market is done and the basic information about the above mentioned factors is conducted.  The detailing of information increases with the increase in shooting more such questions.

2.) The Research and Development survey brings out the required answers which are necessary to start the preparation. The answers are sent to the client and both parties need to agree with the detailing achieved. The process involves both the qualitative as well as quantitative research. A secondary research is also conducted which validates their work.

3.) A suitable layout of the logo is sketched. The client and designer move to the next step only if they feel satisfied with the sketch.

4.) Designers draw the outline of logo by using professional tools. Now this outline is checked whether the requirements are met or not. Now the sketch is sent for another team.

5.) Logotype is decided here. The type of Logo depending on the requirement such as text logo, symbol logo, mascot logo, or any other type is decided.

6.)A number of designs are made and the client is given the choice to select the desired logo. The teams discuss and make a decision regarding which logo has to be finalized.

7.) The selected design is then sent for coloring. The required mood, texture and shading are discussed by a team of professionals and they too come up with multiple options. The best design is selected after the team has discussion.

8.) The selected logo is then checked for satisfying all the parameters and desired conditions which the R&D team proposed. This is known as feedback. The proposed corrections, if any, are corrected.

If it is accepted, then the Marketing team adopts a suitable marketing strategy to carry it into the market. The brand is established in the market through promotions on social media, internet, and advertisements to reach out to the maximum.


The Logo which a company possesses is more like the face of a human body. The logo has to penetrate into the minds of the customers to make it a successful brand. The design procedure involved in making a logo is very creative and it involves a lot of professional skills to become a successful designer.

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